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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Top Baby Names of 2008

The Year in Baby NamesThe top 100 names for 2008 are in! Big news this year: Aidan is at the top of the list for boys for the second year in a row, while Isabella skyrockets to #1 for the first time ever.

Top 10 Girl Names of 2008

1. Isabella
2. Ava
3. Emily
4. Elizabeth
5. Abigail
6. Madison
7. Emma
8. Addison
9. Madeline
10. Olivia

For a complete list of the Top 50 Girls' Names of 2008, click on the "Top 50 Girls' Names of 2008" link at left.

Top 10 Boy Names of 2008

1. Aidan
2. Jayden
3. Jacob
4. Michael
5. Ethan
6. Caden
7. James
8. Caleb
9. Andrew
10. Matthew

This list is based on the names receiving the most traffic on between January 1 and December 10, 2008. Copyright 2008 Meredith Corporation.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

There are some cute baby names on this list. Thank you!
