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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mariah Turns "Mean Girl" In "Obsessed" Video

by Billy Johnson, Jr. in Hip-Hop Media Training

I just watched Mariah's video for "Obsessed," the first single from her new album, "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel," due out on August 25.
Good job Mariah. This video is clever and funny. It is your best video yet.
I especially like when your
Eminem-like character gets hit by a bus. Bam. I didn't know you could be so mean. I am impressed.
Mariah's husband Nick Cannon said the song is not about Eminem. "I don't think that she would take her time," Cannon told MTV. "My wife doesn't beef. She's Mariah Carey. She's not beefin', she's a vegetarian."
Nick Cannon is a good husband. He totally loves, supports and defends his wife until the end.
But come on. No believes that explanation. If we just look at the video alone, it is a bit easier to pretend that it is not about Eminem who took jabs at Mariah and Nick on the song "Bagpipes From Baghdad."
Nick said the video was inspired by the movie "Mean Girls" which is apparently where Mariah borrowed the line, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"
In the video, Mariah isn't feuding with a rapper. She is being followed by a male stalker, a character she portrays in the Brett Ratner directed clip. The creepy goateed stalker pops up as a doorman at her hotel, an assistant on a photo shoot, and follows her as she walks down the street. She also plays a character wearing an Eminem-styled fleece hoodie and lives in a Mariah shrine with walls lined with her photos.
While an Eminem slant in the video is arguable, there is no debate that the controversial Slim Shady MC is the subject of Mariah's lyrics.
A week prior to the release of Eminem's "Relapse" album, the "Bagpipes From Baghdad" song leaked. Eminem rapped, "Mariah, whatever happened to us, why did we ever have to break up?" Then his sarcasm ensued with derogatory references to Mariah and Nick.
A month later, Mariah released "Obsessed" and there was no argument that the song was a response to the rapper she briefly dated years ago. The song attacks a "delusional" detractor who claims to be "sexin'" her. She blames his drug use for his lies. "Tellin' the world how much you miss me, but we never were so why you trippin'," Mariah sings.
On "Bagpipes" Eminem claimed to have been intimate with Mariah. It is part of the reason why Nick went on a psychopathic rampage after the song's release. And everyone knows about Eminem's drug problems. His album is called "Relapse." Who else could Mariah be talking about?
I understand why Mariah would imply that the song and video are not about Eminem. It would look bad if Mariah more obviously engaged in a public feud with Em. As her lyric goes, "[he is] a mom and pop and [she is] a corporation."
I actually appreciate her more subtle digs at the rapper who disses everyone.
You win Mariah.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Nail-biting (onychophagia) is a common stress-relieving habit. You may bite your nails in times of stress or excitement, or in times of boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behavior from family members. Nail-biting is the most common of the typical "nervous habits," which include thumb-sucking, nose-picking, hair-twisting or -pulling, tooth-grinding, and picking at skin.
You may bite your nails without realizing you are doing it. You might be involved in another activity, such as reading, watching television, or talking on the phone, and bite your nails without thinking about it.
Nail-biting includes biting the cuticle and soft tissue surrounding the nail as well as biting the nail itself.

Who bites their nails?
People of all ages bite their nails.
  • About half of all children between the ages of 10 and 18 bite their nails at one time or another. Nail-biting occurs most often as teens are going through puberty changes.
  • Some young adults, ages 18 to 22 years, bite their nails.
  • Only a small number of other adults bite their nails. Most people stop biting their nails on their own by age 30.
  • Boys bite their nails more often than girls after age 10.
Nail-biting may occur with other body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB) such as hair-pulling or skin-picking.

What treatments are available for nail-biting?
Several treatment measures may help you stop biting your nails. Some focus on behavior changes and some focus on physical barriers to nail-biting.
  • Keep your nails trimmed and filed. Taking care of your nails can help reduce your nail-biting habit and encourage you to keep your nails attractive.
  • Have a manicure regularly or use nail polish. Men can use a clear polish. Wearing artificial nails may stop you from biting your nails and protect them as they grow out.
    Try stress-management techniques if you bite your nails because you are anxious or stressed.
  • Paint a bitter-tasting polish, such as CONTROL-IT or Thum, on your nails. The awful taste will remind you to stop every time you start to bite your nails.
  • Try substituting another activity, such as drawing or writing or squeezing a stress ball or Silly Putty, when you find yourself biting your nails. If you keep a record of nail-biting, you will become more aware of the times when you bite your nails and be able to stop the habit.
  • Wear gloves, adhesive bandages, or colored stickers whenever possible to remind you not to bite your nails.
  • Snap a rubber band on the inside of your wrist when you start to bite your nails so you have a negative physical response to nail-biting.
Children may bite their nails more often when they are having problems at school or with friends. Talk with your child or his or her teacher about any new stress at school. Children are more likely to stop biting their nails when they understand what may trigger it. It is also important for your child to help choose a treatment method so he or she can use the treatment successfully.
What problems can develop from nail-biting?
Nail-biting can cause your fingertips to be red and sore and your cuticles to bleed. Nail-biting also increases your risk for infections around your nailbeds and in your mouth.
Long-term nail-biting can also interfere with normal nail growth and cause deformed nails.

Rarely, nail-biting may be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD symptoms are usually treated with medicines.

Tips For Better Sleep

Like millions of other Americans, I often have trouble with insomnia — either I can't fall asleep, or I awake prematurely and am unable to get back to sleep. The following sleep tips, compiled from various sources, may prove helpful to some of my fellow insomniacs.

  • Only use your bed for sleeping or having sex, not for reading, doing paperwork, watching TV, snacking, or making phone calls.
  • If you've been lying in bed but are beginning to fear you're not going to drop off, try some of these techniques: Count sheep or count backwards from 100 (one of my favorites) to stop yourself from thinking about the problems of yesterday or tomorrow; breathe deeply for awhile; or visualize some peaceful place.
  • If you can't get to sleep after lying in bed for 30 minutes or more, get up for awhile. What to do? Try reading something incredibly boring.
  • Develop a bedtime routine.
  • Keep regular bedtime hours.
  • Before bedtime, avoid tobacco and caffeinated beverages (not just coffee, but other drinks like tea, cola, and Dr. Pepper).
  • Avoid alcohol right before bedtime — a nightcap might get your mind fuzzy enough to put you to sleep, but such sleep may be interrupted by periods of awakening. By contrast, the stress-lowering effect of a drink with dinner may help to promote sleep later.
  • Avoid naps (or falling asleep in front of boring TV programs, as I do).
  • Try to get up at the same time every day rather than sleeping in on weekends.
  • Exercise every day, but not shortly before bedtime since exercise gets the adrenaline going.
  • If you use an illuminated clock for a wakeup alarm, place it where you can't keep looking at it to check the time.
  • Buy a firm mattress and keep your bedroom well ventilated (a cool temperature works best for me).
  • And you might also try some of these: a warm bath, warm milk, light bedtime snack, massage, or quiet music (which turns itself off automatically).
  • Use earplugs for extreme quiet.
  • If you have a painful joint or a headache, take a pain pill before bedtime (but be sure it doesn't contain caffeine).
  • Avoid stimulating reading or television shows late at night.

If the insomnia stubbornly persists, check with your doctor to make sure some underlying health problem (such as depression, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) isn't keeping you awake. If all is well, you might ask for one of the several types of prescription sleeping pills that can be useful in the short term.

By Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D.


What Is a Denture?

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and adjacent tissues. It is made of acrylic resin, sometimes in combination with various metals. Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position. Complete dentures are either "conventional" or "immediate." A conventional denture is placed in the mouth about a month after all the teeth are removed to allow for proper healing, whereas an immediate denture is placed as soon as the teeth are removed. The drawback behind an immediate denture is that it may require more adjustments after the healing has taken place.

Who needs a denture?
Candidates for complete dentures have lost most or all of their teeth. A partial denture is suitable for those who have some natural teeth remaining. A denture improves chewing ability and speech, and provides support for facial muscles. It will greatly enhance the facial appearance and smile.

What happens when you get a denture?
A dentist can make a full conventional denture when all teeth have been lost or all extraction sites have healed (up to eight weeks or longer.) The denture process takes about one month and five appointments: the initial diagnosis is made; an impression and a wax bite are made to determine vertical dimensions and proper jaw position; a "try-in" is placed to assure proper color, shape and fit; and the patient's final denture is placed, following any minor adjustments. New denture wearers need time to get accustomed to their new "teeth" because even the best fitting dentures will feel awkward at first. While most patients can begin to speak normally within a few hours, many patients report discomfort with eating for several days to a few weeks. To get accustomed to chewing with a new denture, start with soft, easy-to-chew foods. In addition, denture wearers often notice a slight change in facial appearance, increased salivary flow, or minor speech difficulty.

How do you care for a denture?
A denture is fragile, so it is important to handle it with care. Remove and brush the denture daily, preferably with a brush designed specifically for cleaning dentures, using either a denture cleanser or toothpastes. Never use harsh, abrasive cleansers, including abrasives toothpastes, because they may scratch the surface of the denture. Don't sterilize your denture with boiling water because it will cause it to become warped. If you wear a partial denture be sure to remove it before brushing your natural teeth. When not in use, soak it in a cleanser solution or in water. Get in the habit of keeping the denture in the same safe and handy place to reduce the likelihood of misplacement.

Should a denture be worn at night?
While you may be advised to wear your denture almost constantly during the first two weeks- even while you sleep-under normal circumstances it is considered best to remove it at night. Research has shown that removing the denture for at least eight hours during either the day or night allows the gum tissue to rest and allows normal stimulation and cleansing by the tongue and saliva. This promotes better long-term health of the gums.

Continue seeing your dentist regularly
It is important to continue having regular dental checkups so that a dentist can examine oral tissues for signs of disease or cancer. As of aging, your mouth will continue to change as the bone under your denture shrinks or recedes. To maintain a proper fit over time, it may be necessary to adjust your denture or possibly remake your denture. Never attempt to adjust a denture yourself and do not use denture adhesives for a prolonged period because it can contribute to bone loss. When in doubt, consult your dentist.

Are there any alternatives to dentures?
Dentures are no longer the only way to restore a mouth that has little or no non-restorable teeth. Strategically placed support, or implants, can now be used to support permanently cemented bridges, eliminating the need for a denture. The cost tends to be greater, but the implants and bridges more closely resemble the "feel" of real teeth. Dental implants are becoming the alternative of choice to dentures, but not everyone is a candidate for implants. Call your dentist for advice.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sears Tower unveils 103rd floor glass balconies

CHICAGO – Visitors to the Sears Tower's new glass balconies all seem to agree: The first step is the hardest.
The balconies are suspended 1,353 feet in the air and jut out four feet from the building's 103rd floor Skydeck. Their transparent walls, floor and ceiling leave visitors with the impression they're floating over the city.
"It's like walking on ice," said Margaret Kemp, of Bishop, Calif., who said her heart was still pounding even after stepping away from the balcony. "That first step you take — 'am I going down?'"

Kemp was among the visitors who got a sneak preview of the balconies Wednesday. "The Ledge," as the balconies have been nicknamed, open to the public Thursday. Visitors are treated to unobstructed views of Chicago from the building's west side and a heart-stopping vista of the street and Chicago River below — for those brave enough to look straight down.
John Huston, one of the property owners of the Sears Tower, even admitted to getting "a little queasy" the first time he ventured out. But 30 or 40 trips later, he's got the hang of it.
"The Sears Tower has always been about superlatives — tallest, largest, most iconic," he said. "Today is also about superlatives. Today, we present you with 'the Ledge,' the world's most awesome view, the world's most precipitous view, the view with the most wow in the world."
The balconies can hold five tons, and the glass is an inch-and-a-half thick, officials said. Sears Tower officials have said the inspiration for the balconies came from the hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind on Skydeck windows every week. Now, staff will have a new glass surface to clean: floors.
"It's very scary, but at the same time it's very cool," said Chanti Lawrence of Atlanta, adding that she's made her first step toward overcoming her fear of heights.
Adam Kane, 10, of Alton, Ill., rushed to the ledge with his friends and siblings, and they each eagerly pressed their faces to the glass bottom.
"Look at all those tiny things that are usually huge," Adam said.
The balconies are just one of the big changes coming to the Sears Tower. The building's name will change to Willis Tower later this summer. Last week, officials announced a 5-year, $350 million green renovation complete with wind turbines, roof gardens and solar panels.
With the ledge, visitors like Kemp said the nation's tallest building has succeeded in creating something they've never seen before.
"I had to live 70 years for a thrill like this," she said.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bio's Serena Williams

An Athlete, an Icon
Serena Williams embodies style, power, beauty and courage. Like numerous A-list celebrities, Serena is recognized by the mere mention of her first name. Only 27, Serena has overcome insurmountable odds to win 8 career Grand Slams, and become one the game's greatest all-time players. Her remarkable tennis skills have skyrocketed her to fame, but only her unique charm and drive could explain her successful endeavors outside of tennis in film, television, fashion and philanthropy. Serena has high hopes for the 2008 season after her dominating performance in the most recent Australian Open. Her tennis ability combined with her off -court activity makes her one of the most recognizable names and faces in the world - an icon.
Serena was born September 26, 1981 in Saginaw, Michigan, to Richard Williams and Oracene Price. While still an infant, the family moved to Compton, California where she began playing tennis at the age of four. At nine, Serena and her family moved to West Palm Beach, Florida. Since that time, she has become one of the most dominant figures in tennis.

Introducing Serena’s New Pomegranate Lip Balmer
Serena is excited to announce her partnership with
MISSION Skincare™. As a co-founder, Serena has worked with MISSION to develop her own signature pomegranate-flavored Lip Balmer with UVA/UVB SPF 15 protection and moisturizers that protect her lips from the harsh conditions in which she trains and competes. Serena’s lip balmer is loaded with powerful vitamins and antioxidants and is clinically proven to lock in moisture for up to 8 hours. All MISSION Skincare products, including the Serena Williams’ Pomegranate Lip Balmer, are made in the US and are Animal Cruelty Free. Learn more about Serena’s Pomegranate Lip Balmer and all MISSION Skincare products at

On the top of the game
Serena has won a title in all four Grand Slam tournaments. She has won 28 singles championships, 11 doubles championships, and was a Gold-Medalist at the 2000 Olympics. In 2002, Serena won the Italian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and U.S. Open. On the heals of those 2002 accomplishments, Serena was named Associated Press “Female Athlete of the Year,” “Best Sportswoman in the World,” by EFE News Agency of Spain, one of BBC's “Sports Personalities of the Year,” and nominated for the Sports Illustrated's “Sportsman of the Year” Award. In 2003, she won the Australian Open, (singles & doubles), NASDAQ Open, French Indoors and Wimbledon. She also won two ESPY Awards: “Female Athlete of the Year,” and “Female Tennis Player of the Year.” Her 2005 Australian Open victory finals match earned ESPN2 their highest highest-rated and most-watched tennis telecast ever. After injuries forced her to compete in only 4 tournaments in 2006, Serena came back triumphantly winning the 2007 Australian Open and the Sony Ericsson Open, proving that she is still on top of the tennis world.

In style
Off the court, fashion and acting are Serena's passions. She was selected as one of People Magazine's “25 Most Intriguing People” (October 21, 2002) and one of the top 10 celebrities in Biography's top 100 biographies of 2003. Serena was honored as one of Essence magazine's “50 Most Inspiring African- Americans.” Her latest TV credit is her reality show with sister titled “Venus and Serena For Real.” The show which had cameras follow Serena and Venus on and off the tennis courts debuted July 20th on ABC Family to high ratings and good reviews. Serena's other acting credits include an appearance on the hit NBC Drama “ER”, the ABC sitcom, “My Wife and Kids”; a role as an ex-gangster on Showtime's “Street Time”; and a leading role on an episode of Lifetime's “The Division.” Serena has also lent her voice talents to “The Simpsons” and Disney's “Higgleytown Heroes.” She was also featured among 10 individuals named “Fashion Trendsetters” by Vogue Magazine on a VH1/Vogue Television Special. Serena has used her fashion savvy and has founded and created her own clothing label, Aneres, which has been featured in In Style Magazine.

Community dedication
Serena is deeply committed to philanthropic causes. She visits schools and hospitals, and conducts tennis clinics for at-risk youth. Through her work with The Owl Foundation, she is able to help fund programs that address learning problems for individuals who experience academic failure. Its mission is to ensure that every child is treated individually and is provided with the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. Some of the other organizations that Serena supports, include: the S.E. Tennis and Learning Center, in Washington, D.C.; the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund; Race for the Homeless, Stop the Violence, the Special Olympics, and the Arthur Ashe Foundation.
Serena splits her time between Palm Beach, Florida and Westwood, California with her Jack Russell terrier, Jackie.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Your Money: Keeping It Safe

Scared yet? The Dow Jones industrials suffered a decline of more than 875 points on Monday and Tuesday, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke predicted that the global financial markets crisis is likely to restrain the economy well into next year.
Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months, according to Congress' top budget analyst.
It's okay to feel the fear. But it's not okay to react to it. Panicking and making big changes in your accounts is likely to do a heck of a lot more damage than a recession ever could.
Sticking to some tried-and-true principles can help you get through the bad times with your sanity and your savings intact.
"Don't panic, stay the course," said Allan Roth, a financial planner in Colorado Springs. "If you can't be right at least be consistent. We're allowed to feel the emotions, but how we react to them is going to be far more important than any short-term swings."

An Early Start
If you're just starting to think about saving for retirement, don't delay. Despite the upheaval of the past few months — and the past few weeks in particular — it would be a mistake for someone in their 20s or 30s to hold off on investing now.
The key here is the long-term prospects for stocks. Ultimately, stock values hinge on the productivity of U.S. workers and the earnings power of American companies. And it's not as if those engines of long-term growth are about to disappear.
The country may need some time to work through the detritus of the housing bubble and lending excesses. And stock returns could very well be anemic as that happens. But history shows that some of the best long-term gains go to investors willing to buy stocks when they're reviled, as in the years following major setbacks like the 1929 crash and the 1973-1974 bear market.
Of course, the long view may not seem particularly relevant to you at the moment. But remember: the money that you contribute to accounts such as a 401(k) is going to be invested for many years.
The real question isn't whether you should be contributing to a 401(k). It's how you should be investing the money you contribute, as well as the money that's already there.
If you're in your 20's or 30s, you still want most of your 401(k) money in stocks, say between 80% and 90%. That may be a tough sell emotionally in these uncertain times. But the important thing isn't what your 401(k) is worth over the next few years — it's what its value will be in 2040 and beyond.

Even if you're older, you should still think of the money you're contributing now as a long-term investment. But you also need to give some consideration to preserving the assets you've already accumulated.
That means dialing back your stock exposure somewhat, although you don't want to hunker down completely in bonds and cash. Lightening up on stocks will give you more short-term stability. But if you get too conservative, you run the risk of stunting the eventual size of your nest egg — and your lifestyle in retirement.
But before you go tinkering around with your portfolio, keep in mind that while bear markets can hurt a portfolio, how you react to downturns can make matters worse, said Roth. He points out that investing in stocks when they're hot and then running to bonds when they're not has a name: performance chasing.
"When you move in and out, you're actually increasing risk while decreasing your returns," Roth said. Over time, market timing can cost investors around 1.5% a year in returns, according to Roth.

'The Danger Years'
The decade before you quit the work force, along with the five years immediately after, is the most sensitive period in an entire lifetime of retirement planning. The saving, investment and career decisions you make during this time will dictate in a major way whether you'll spend the next 30 to 40 years enjoying the life you've always looked forward to or eating the early-bird special at Denny's.
"It's natural to have a queasy feeling at this time in your life, wondering if your retirement will happen as planned," says Joseph Chadwick of the Longevity Alliance, a financial services firm that specializes in retirement products. "But there's no need to panic."
Stocks held for the long term can be counted on to bounce back eventually. But if you need to sell shares just as they're dropping in value — exactly the scenario many newly minted retirees have faced recently — you run a sharply higher risk that your money will someday run out. That's because when the market does recover, you'll have less money invested to benefit from renewed growth.
Fortunately, there's a minor tweak that can dramatically cut your risk.
Typically, to ensure your nest egg lasts as long as you do, you should withdraw no more than 4% of your savings for living expenses in your first year of retirement. In year two, you might take a little more to account for inflation.
The bear-market adjustment? Give up on the inflation increase until stocks recover.
A study by T. Rowe Price concludes that this simple step cuts the odds of running out of money over a 30-year period in half, from 22% to 11%, on a sample portfolio invested 55% in stocks and 45% in bonds.
Worried that forgoing your inflation raise will bust your budget? Pull a Brett Favre and go back to work part time to make up the "lost" income. You probably won't need to put in more than a few hours a week — a 3% increase on a $75,000 annual withdrawal equals only $200 a month.
Copyrighted, CNNMoney. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is cancer that begins in the lungs, the two organs found in the chest that help you breathe.
The lungs are made up of areas called lobes. The right lung has three lobes; the left lung has two, so there's room for the heart. When you breathe, air goes through your nose, down your windpipe (trachea), and into the lungs where it spreads through tubes called bronchi. Most lung cancer begins in the cells that line these tubes.
There are two main types of lung cancer:
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer.
Small cell lung cancer makes up about 20% of all lung cancer cases.
If the lung cancer is made up of both types, it is called mixed small cell/large cell cancer.
If the cancer started somewhere else in the body and spread to the lungs, it is called
metastatic cancer to the lung.
Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined.
Lung cancer is more common in older adults. It is rare in people under age 45.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
The more cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you started smoking, the greater your risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar cigarettes lowers the risk.
However, lung cancer has occurred in people who have never smoked.
Secondhand smoke (breathing the smoke of others) increases your risk of lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 3,000 non-smoking adults will die each year from lung cancer related to breathing secondhand smoke.
The following may also increase one's risk of lung cancer:
High levels of air pollution
High levels of arsenic in drinking water
Radon gas
Family history of lung cancer
Radiation therapy to the lungs
Exposure to cancer-causing chemicals such as uranium, beryllium, vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, chloromethyl ethers, gasoline, and diesel exhaust
Early lung cancer may not cause any symptoms. Many times, lung cancer is found when an x-ray is done for another reason.
Symptoms depend on the specific type of cancer you have, but may include:
Cough that doesn't go away
Coughing up blood
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Loss of appetite
Losing weight without trying
Additional symptoms that may also occur with lung cancer:
Swallowing difficulty
Nail problems
Joint pain
Hoarseness or changing voice
Swelling of the face
Facial paralysis
Eyelid drooping
Bone pain or tenderness
These symptoms can also be due to other, less serious conditions, so it is important to talk to your health care provider.

Exams and Tests
The health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history. You will be asked if you smoke, and if so, how long you have smoked.
When listening to the chest with a stethoscope, the health care provider can sometimes hear fluid around the lungs, which could (but doesn't always) suggest cancer.
Tests that may be performed include:
Chest x-ray
Sputum cytology test
Blood work
CT scan of the chest
MRI of the chest
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
In some cases, the health care provider may need to remove a piece of tissue from your lungs for examination under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. There are several ways to do this:
Bronchoscopy combined with biopsy
Pleural biopsy
CT scan directed needle biopsy
Mediastinoscopy with biopsy
Open lung biopsy
Treatment depends on the specific type of lung cancer. Each type is treated differently. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery may be needed.
See the individual articles on the different types of lung cancer:
Non-small cell lung cancer
Small cell lung cancer

Outlook (Prognosis)
How well a patient does depends on the following:
Type of lung cancer
Whether or not the cancer has spread
Your age
Your overall health
How well you respond to treatment
The earlier the cancer is found, the better the chances of survival. Lung cancer is a deadly disease. Nearly 60% of people with lung cancer die within a year. However, some people are cured and go on to live many years.
Possible Complications
The cancer may spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). Cancer treatment can cause significant side effects.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Call your health care provider if you develop symptoms of lung cancer (particularly if you smoke).
If you smoke, quit. It is never too late to stop smoking. You should also avoid breathing in the smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help prevent some cases of lung cancer.
Alberg AJ, Ford JG, Samet JM; American College of Chest Physicians. Epidemiology of lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:29S-55S.
Bach PB, Silvestri GA, Hanger M, Jett JR. Screening for lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:69S-77S.
National Cancer Institute.
Lung Cancer Home Page. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Institutes of Health. Accessed August 3, 2008
Jett JR, Schild SE, Keith RL, Kesler KA. Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, stage IIIB: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:266S-276S.
Johnson DH, Blot WJ, Carbone DP, et al. Cancer of the lung_ Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. In: Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKena WG. Clinical Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2008:chap 76.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Swimsuit Shopping Guide: 3 Tips for Every Body Type

Prepare to be a beach bombshell: From tummy-trimming wonders to lift-em-up champs, these genius style tricks and super flattering suits will turn even the most swimsuit-wary gal into a certified sun goddess.

"Find me a suit that Fits." Shakira Chin, 30, is a size 8 on top and a 12 on bottom—and her before suit wasn’t flattering anything. The boy shorts cut across her hips and emphasized them; the string top made her shoulders seem more narrow. To the rescue? Separates in two different sizes! The higher-cut briefs of her “after” suit minimize her hips while the white-edged halter draws attention up. Voila—Shakira’s balanced. “I look and feel amazing,” she says.
The Dos & Don’ts of slimming hips
Don’t go wild on bottom.The less going on there, well—the less going on there!
Do bring focus upwith a top in a lighter color, or with fun details or a pretty pattern.
Do go for a fairly high-cut bottomto create the illusion of longer, leaner legs.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Angelina's New Title: Most Powerful Celebrity in the World

Watch out, Oprah! This year Angelina has the power. Angelina Jolie nabbed the No. 1 spot on Forbes' 2009 Celebrity 100 list, the magazine announced Wednesday, topping Winfrey who slipped to No. 2 after two consecutive years at the top. According to the magazine, wealth is only one factor in determining the most powerful celebrity, and Jolie's $27 million in earnings last year combined with her fame determined her ranking. (Interestingly, Winfrey grossed $275 million in 2008.) Rounding out the top 5 positions in Forbes' rankings: Madonna, whose Hard Candy tour and $110 million income landed her the No. 3 slot; Beyoncé is No. 4; and Tiger Woods fell to No. 5 on the list, down from No. 2 last year.Notable newcomers to Forbes' power list include Taylor Swift (No. 69), fellow country star Toby Keith (No. 59) and 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin (No. 91). Meanwhile, Barack Obama (No. 49) became the first sitting head of state to appear on the list. The reason? His historic election made him the most famous person in the world, Forbes says, and also increased his book sales.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kris Allen takes the `American Idol' title

Kris Allen's smooth vocals and boy-next-door image propelled him to "American Idol" victory Wednesday, turning the theatrical powerhouse Adam Lambert into the most unlikely of also-rans.
"I'm sorry, I don't even know what to feel right now. This is crazy," said a stunned Allen, 23, of Conway, Ark.
As host Ryan Seacrest said in announcing the result of the viewer vote, "The underdog, the dark horse, comes back and wins the nation over."
Lambert's commanding vocal range and stage presence -- and the judges' adoration of him -- at times turned "Idol" into "The Adam Lambert Show," with the other contestants mere guests. But it turned out that "Idol" viewers could embrace a gifted performer like Lambert, one who sported black nail polish and bold self-assurance, only to a point.
Simon Cowell tipped his hat to both contestants Wednesday.
"To both of you, and I don't normally mean this, I thought you were both brilliant. .... The future's all yours," the judge said.
Before the results were announced, Lambert and Allen had a moment of musical camaraderie: They joined together with Queen on the rock anthem "We Are the Champions."
"Adam did win. So did Kris. Nobody lost tonight. These are two champions," said Paul Stanley from Kiss backstage.
The outcome echoed last year's contest, when Cowell all but crowned David Archuleta after the performance finale -- but the victory went to David Cook.
Lambert's triumph was never inevitable. When Allen and Lambert were declared the finalists last week, just 1 million viewer votes separated the pair out of 88 million cast.
Allen bloomed during the season, gaining more assurance onstage and winning viewers over with his smooth, heartfelt vocals, modest demeanor and well-scrubbed good looks.
There was also the Danny Gokey factor. Gokey made it to the top three before he fell out of the contest, leaving his supporters up for grabs.
"After the third one leaves, you wonder where do the votes go from that third contestant," Paula Abdul said backstage after Tuesday's singing showdown.
Allen seemed the likely candidate for those viewers' affections, for on- and offstage reasons. Allen and Gokey, 29, of Milwaukee, were downright conservative when compared to Lambert's elaborate staging and wardrobe choices. Allen is a married college student and has worked as a church worship leader. Gokey, a widower, is a church music director.
Lambert, 27, of Los Angeles, brought measured rock flashiness -- daring, not freaky -- with songs including "Whole Lotta Love," the first-ever Led Zeppelin tune on "Idol." He's largely kept his personal life under wraps, saying "I know who I am" when asked about it.
Earlier this week, Allen said he hoped the outcome wouldn't be decided by "having the Christian vote."
"I hope it has to do with your talent and the performance that you give and the package that you have. It's not about religion and all that kind of stuff," he said.
Added Lambert: "It's about music. That's really important to keep in mind."
The finale Wednesday included the usual bag of tricks for extending the show to two hours and delaying the result until the final minutes. There were group numbers, the Golden Idol Award -- semifinalist funnyman Nick "Norman Gentle" Mitchell among the contenders -- and celebrity-contestant combos.
Allen was joined by Keith Urban on "Kiss a Girl," while Lambert performed with Kiss. The female finalists, including Allison Iraheta, opened up for Fergie, who sang "Big Girls Don't Cry" and then was joined by her group, the Black Eyed Peas.
Iraheta later dueted with Cyndi Lauper on "Time After Time" and Danny Gokey joined Lionel Richie for two tunes.
Rod Stewart sang "Maggie May" after the male finalists opened for him with "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy."
An offbeat guest was Steve Martin, the actor-comedian who also specializes in the banjo. He played his song "Pretty Flowers" with finalists Megan Joy and Michael Sarver on vocals.
Asked by Seacrest to guess who might win "American Idol," Martin replied: "I know it's a long shot, but I'm hoping I do."
Allen rose to the occasion during Tuesday's performance show, especially with his soulful version of "Ain't No Sunshine." But he was tripped up by "No Boundaries," a song co-written by judge Kara DioGuardi and ill-suited to his voice.
Lambert did a better job with "No Boundaries" and excelled on his reprise of "Mad World" and on "A Change is Gonna Come."
"That was the best I've ever heard you sing -- ever!" exclaimed Abdul.
By LYNN ELBER, AP Television Wed May 20, 7:28 PM PDT

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Great Jobs to have in the Springtime

After many long months of snow, slush, sleet and subzero temperatures, spring is finally here.
And all you can do is watch it from your window.
What you would give to be outside, enjoying the weather and all it has to offer. (Or maybe you would just give anything to be anywhere other than where you are right now...)
Whichever is the case, we got to thinking about jobs that would be great to have this spring season. Keep in mind, no scientific method was used in the making of this list, but we've got some pretty valid reasoning. Here are 10 jobs that are ideal for spring and why:

1. SportswriterSure, sports take place year round, but for me, spring is when some of the most exciting sporting events go down. Exhibit A: March Madness basketball games. Exhibit B: Major league baseball spring training and season openers. Exhibit C: NHL playoffs. Exhibit D: NBA playoffs and draft picks. Exhibit E: The Masters golf tournament. Sportswriters can take their pick making predictions, following games or analyzing who is going to be the next Tiger Woods.Education: College degree, preferably in communications, journalism or EnglishAnnual salary*: $36,994

2. FloristApril showers bring May flowers, after all. Springtime means blooming flowers, weddings and generosity (aka, bouquets of roses "just because"). Florists will stay occupied during this busy season, while enjoying the budding blossoms that have been buried all winter.Education: High school diplomaAnnual salary: $33,859

3. MeteorologistSpring might be the most inconsistent season for weather. It might snow for a week in April, for example, and be 80 degrees the next. The week after that it rains every day, there are multiple tornados and the next day it feels like fall. The constantly changing forecast would fascinate anyone who studies weather for a living.Education: A bachelor's degree in meteorology or atmospheric scienceAnnual salary: $67,004

4. Landscaping workerIt's growing season! Snow is off the ground and grass, trees and flowers are ready to be planted and fertilized. Lawns need to be mowed, weeds pulled and trees trimmed, all of which add up to a lot of time outside, doing what landscapers do best.Education: No minimum educational requirement, though most states require licensing or certification for workers who apply pesticides.Annual salary: $23,980

5. Construction workerWhat's better than being outside all day working on your latest project? It seems like constructing a house or building would be much more enjoyable in nice weather than in the freezing cold and snow.Education: Most positions have no specific educational qualifications, but apprenticeships are encouraged and require a high school diploma or equivalent.Annual salary: $31,781

6. Fashion buyerSpringtime is synonymous with fashion. Buyers get to shop through all of the new spring lines and buy clothes that have color, flowers and designs for our favorite retail shops -- a far cry from the black and gray turtlenecks and tweed we've been sporting all winter.Education: Requirements vary depending on the organization, but large stores and distributors prefer applicants who have completed a bachelor's degree program with a business emphasis.Annual salary: $50,796

7. College admissions counselorAs high school students graduate, college admissions counselors keep themselves busy recruiting, evaluating and admitting students to their college or university.Education: A bachelor's degree in any field usually is acceptable, and most eventually obtain advanced degrees in college student affairs, counseling or higher education administration.Annual salary: $98,796

8. Pest control workerMany rodents, insects and other pests hide out during the winter but as the weather starts to turn, all bets are off. Though it might not be the most glamorous job in the world, pests come out of the woodwork in the spring, so to speak, which ensures a more steady workload for pest control workers.Education: High school diploma and certificationAnnual salary: $28,056

9. HousekeeperThere's nothing like a little spring cleaning to kick off the new season. Households around the globe will be seeking housekeepers and cleaning services to help them get rid of the dust bunnies that have been hibernating in the corners all winter.Education: No education requirementsAnnual salary: $19,619

10. VendorSpringtime means baseball season, which means hot dogs, cold beer, cotton candy and frozen lemonade. It would sure be nice to spend the day at my local baseball stadium, providing simple pleasures to the fans while watching my favorite team. Education: On-the-job trainingAnnual salary: $19,876

*U.S. national average salary figures based on data from, powered by

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bravo replacing `Runway' with `The Fashion Show'

Generally speaking, a fashion show and a runway go hand in hand. But for TV audiences, they'll now be rivals.
Bravo is debuting "The Fashion Show" on Friday to fill the void left by "
Project Runway," which bolted to rival Lifetime. Bravo recruited designer Isaac Mizrahi, singer Kelly Rowland and IMG Fashion vice president Fern Mallis, the force behind much of New York Fashion Week, for its new reality show.
There are a few tweaks to "The Fashion Show," which debuts Friday: Each week a winning garment is to be manufactured and sold to the public via an online store; all the designers are professionals; and the winner at the end of the season will have his or her own line available at retail.
However, the similarities to the Heidi Klum-helmed show are striking, too. There are few fashion personalities who could rival the wit and openness of Michael Kors, but Mizrahi probably can. Rowland brings the celebrity element to the show, and Mallis probably has had her share of front-row catwalk seats next to Nina Garcia
And there is, of course, the weekly challenge.
There's room for multiple fashion-themed reality shows because it's an industry that average Joes and Janes are mesmerized by and understand, says Mizrahi, who didn't name his obvious competitor. The sixth season of "
Project Runway" -- which has already been taped -- will air this summer on Lifetime.
"As a judge, I am looking first for integrity. I can't tell yet about niches that people will fit into, but we have to train them to think properly and then think about the marketplace aspect. The difference with our show from other shows is that we have an audience that votes every week and they say some brutal things," Mizrahi says.
Rowland is looking for a spark -- and an outfit she'd wear -- among the 15 participants, while Mallis says she is eyeing both creativity and practicality. "You have to be able to walk in it, step up a step in it," Mallis says.
Rowland thinks it's the judges' collective perspective that will benefit the wannabe style stars the most.
"We're all very honest," she says. "Firm Fern and Honest Isaac, that's what I call them."
And her nickname? "Classy Kelly," says Mallis.
"We taught a lot of tough love," Mizrahi says. "It was hard for me. As a judge I couldn't tell them the polka dots were god awful."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Six Principles of the Ole Henriksen Skin Care System

simplicity Less is more in the matters of skin care. Over-treatment makes your skin frail and extremely sensitive.

renewal Results from the consistent use of high concentrations of anti-oxidants/DMAE/alpha lipoic acid and nature's most active acids which will result in firmer, smoother, even-pigmented skin with visible wrinkling reduction.

stimulation Immersing your skin with refreshing water, rinseable cleansers, tonics and scrubs will stimulate your skin, resulting in clean, glowing skin with refined-looking pores.

hydration Hydrate your skin by using a series of light, medium and rich textured cremes packed with soothing and moisturizing ingredients. This will give you beautiful, radiant, glowing soft skin that is protected against environmental hazards.

pampering Indulge your skin with the wonderful textures and aromas that come with all of my products.

cruelty-free My approach to beauty is strictly pure, natural and cruelty-free. Animals, like humans, are to be loved, not tortured.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Winners of a 2009 Academy Award

Here are the winners of a 2009 Academy Award

The Associated Press


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Welcome Back to the 'Twilight' Zone

Support Teen Literature Day is coming up April 16, so this week's Mom & Pop Culture is looking at books

By Martha BrockenbroughMSN Cinemama

We'll start in the "Twilight" Zone, because, really, we haven't left it since the movie came out last fall. It's still killing with the teen audience. When the DVD came out last week, they sold a whopping 3 million copies on the first day alone. That puts it in the top five for sales in the past two years, right up there with "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," "The Dark Knight," "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and "Transformers."

There's new casting news for the sequel, "New Moon," too. Joining Taylor Lautner, who bulked up enough to earn a second shot at the role of Jacob the werewolf, are five Native American actors: Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman. Let the image-search orgy begin!

Meanwhile, last week's gossip that a new director was on board for the third movie turns out to be premature, at best. "The Orphanage" director Juan Antonio Bayona hasn't been hired to direct "Eclipse." The studio has met with a few candidates, apparently, but no one has been offered the job.

The original director, Catherine Hardwicke, will direct a movie adaptation of a book some people are calling "the next 'Twilight.'" Since the book came out April 2, that's probably self-serving spin leaked by someone who really, really hopes it will sell (not that we blame them). But it sounds like a good story, nonetheless.

Called "If I Stay," by Gayle Forman, it's about a comatose cellist named Mia who has to decide if she wants to keep on living after her whole family died in a car wreck. (And no, you're not insane if you think that sounds nothing like "Twilight.")

Want to stay on top of your teen's "Twilight" obsession? The author, Stephenie Meyer, does a good job keeping people up to date on news of her world at her blog — and she sounds like a great human being, to boot.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

World's Billionaires 2009

It's been a tough year for the richest people in the world. Last year there were 1,125 billionaires. This year there are just 793 people rich enough to make our list.

The world has become a wealth wasteland.

Like the rest of us, the richest people in the world have endured a financial disaster over the past year. Today there are 793 people on our list of the World's Billionaires, a 30% decline from a year ago.

Of the 1,125 billionaires who made last year's ranking, 373 fell off the list--355 from declining fortunes and 18 who died. There are 38 newcomers, plus three moguls who returned to the list after regaining their 10-figure fortunes. It is the first time since 2003 that the world has had a net loss in the number of billionaires.

The world's richest are also a lot poorer. Their collective net worth is $2.4 trillion, down $2 trillion from a year ago. Their average net worth fell 23% to $3 billion. The last time the average was that low was in 2003.

Bill Gates lost $18 billion but regained his title as the world's richest man. Warren Buffett, last year's No. 1, saw his fortune decline $25 billion as shares of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) fell nearly 50% in 12 months, but he still managed to slip just one spot to No. 2. Mexican telecom titan Carlos Slim Helú also lost $25 billion and dropped one spot to No. 3.

It was hard to avoid the carnage, whether you were in stocks, commodities, real estate or technology. Even people running profitable businesses were hammered by frozen credit markets, weak consumer spending or declining currencies.

The biggest loser in the world this year, by dollars, was last year's biggest gainer. India's Anil Ambani lost $32 billion--76% of his fortune--as shares of his Reliance Communications, Reliance Power and Reliance Capital all collapsed.

Ambani is one of 24 Indian billionaires, all but one of whom are poorer than a year ago. Another 29 Indians lost their billionaire status entirely as India's stock market tumbled 44% in the past year and the Indian rupee depreciated 18% against the dollar. It is no longer the top spot in Asia for billionaires, ceding that title to China, which has 28.

Russia became the epicenter of the world's commodities bust, dropping 55 billionaires--two-thirds of its 2008 crop. Among them: Dmitry Pumpyansky, an industrialist from the resource-rich Ural mountain region, who lost $5 billion as shares of his pipe producer, TMK, sank 84%. Also gone is Vasily Anisimov, father of Moscow's Paris Hilton, Anna Anisimova, who lost $3.2 billion as the value of his Metalloinvest Holding, one of Russia's largest ore mining and processing firms, fell along with his real estate holdings.

Twelve months ago Moscow overtook New York as the billionaire capital of the world, with 74 tycoons to New York's 71. Today there are 27 in Moscow and 55 in New York.

After slipping in recent years, the U.S. is regaining its dominance as a repository of wealth. Americans account for 44% of the money and 45% of the list's slots, up seven and three percentage points from last year, respectively. Still, it has 110 fewer billionaires than a year ago.

Those with ties to Wall Street were particularly hard hit. Former head of AIG (AIG) Maurice (Hank) Greenberg saw his $1.9 billion fortune nearly wiped out after the insurance behemoth had to be bailed out by the U.S. government. Today Greenberg is worth less than $100 million. Former Citigroup (C) Chairman Sandy Weill also falls from the ranks.

Last year there were 39 American billionaire hedge fund managers; this year there are 28. Twelve American private equity tycoons dropped out of the billionaire ranks.
Blackstone Group's (BX) Stephen Schwarzman, who lost $4 billion, and Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts' Henry Kravis, who lost $2.5 billion, retain their billionaire status despite their weaker fortunes.

Worldwide, 80 of the 355 drop-offs from last year's list had fortunes derived from finance or investments.

While 656 billionaires lost money in the past year, 44 added to their fortunes. Those who made money did so by catering to budget-conscious consumers (discount retailer Uniqlo's Tadashi Yanai), predicting the crash (investor John Paulson) or cashing out in the nick of time (Cirque du Soleil's Guy Laliberte).

So is there anywhere one can still make a fortune these days? The 38 newcomers offer a few clues. Among the more notable new billionaires are Mexican Joaquín Guzmán Loera, one of the biggest suppliers of cocaine to the U.S.; Wang Chuanfu of China, whose BYD Co. began selling electric cars in December, and American John Paul Dejoria, who got the world clean with his Paul Mitchell shampoos and sloppy with his Patrón Tequila.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fall/Winter '09-'10 Fashion Weeks N.Y - London - Milan - Paris

Fashion TV is happy to announce the worldwide broadcast of the greatest fashion shows from N.Y. & London Fashion Weeks; Daily direct broadcasts from Milan & Paris Fashion weeks. Plus special fashion weeks' weekends; every weekend is dedicated to the current Fashion Week.
Fashion TV brings you full coverage of all the most significant, exciting fashion weeks; featuring the greatest names of the fashion world; the most outstanding collections, the most beautiful models, exciting new looks and hair & make-up trends; all the colors & styles straight off the catwalks of the biggest fashion capitals in the world.

Join Fashion TV everyday at 9PM and 11PM for special reports, daily direct broadcast and every weekend a focus on each fashion week; full coverage of all the major fashion shows and all the biggest names in the world of fashion. Be the first to see the hot new trends for the next season, the beautiful collections; and look out for the beauties that will grace the catwalks as the show’s openers.


Britney Spears visits sick kids in Miami hospital

MIAMI (AP) -- Just hours before taking the stage, pop singer Britney Spears made a surprise visit to a group of sick children at Miami Children's Hospital.

The 27-year-old Spears posed for photos with the children on Saturday.

She's also donating $100,000 to the Big Apple Circus Clown Care program, which brings clowns to young hospital patients.

Spears played at the American Airlines Arena in Miami as part of her "Circus" tour.

The tour to support her hit album of the same name kicked off last week before a nearly sold-out crowd in New Orleans.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Free Internet Phone Calls

Things have changed a bit since this article was written in the 1990's. The dot com bubble burst and for a number of years there was no free PC to phone calling. However, now, not only can you call regular phones for free, you can also get a free number for incoming calls. Read this article about combining Skype and StanaPhone for one excellent and totally free phone service. The original article from the 90's follows:

Free calling from one PC to another on the Internet has been around for quite some time, but now you can make calls to standard telephones for free.

PC to PC calling has its share of drawbacks. The person you are calling not only needs to be online they need to be running the same Internet phone software you are. The sound quality of your call is dependent on your connection speed and the other person's connection speed. If the connection is slow or there is a lot of traffic at just one end it may be impossible to hold a conversation.

On the other hand when you use services that allow you to initiate your call from your PC but call standard telephones you are the only one that needs a special setup. Typically your connection will be the only limiting factor since the service provider will be using high speed connections at their end.

I'm not saying that you will always have high quality audio, but your chances are better, particularly if you have a cable or DSL connection or if your dialup ISP has plenty of capacity and a good connection to the Internet itself.

Initially most of the services only offer calls to the US but they claim to have plans to offer calls outside the US. If you live outside the US you can still use the service as long as your calls are to the US. requires a free software download and currently only works with Windows 95, 98 and NT. does not require a software download and install. They use a Java applet but they now state that it requires Windows 95, 98 or NT and IE 4 or Netscape 4.5 or later browsers.

You can find other free phone related services on the Free Fax & Phone Services page.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Milk-Chocolate-Frosted Layer Cake

This cake from Karina Gowing, the pastry chef at Arrows Restaurant in Ogunquit, Maine, is perfection for anyone who loves frosting. The ultracreamy icing, which is almost like a milk-chocolate ganache, gets spread liberally over layers of light, delicate, cocoa-flavored cake.


  • 1 1/4 cup(s) cake flour
  • 1/4 cup(s) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
  • 2 stick(s) unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup(s) whole milk
  • 6 large eggs, separated
  • 1 cup(s) sugar
  • 1 pinch(s) salt
  • 1 1/2 cup(s) heavy cream
  • 1 1/2 pound(s) milk chocolate, finely chopped
  • Shaved milk chocolate, for garnish (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 325°. Butter and flour two 9-inch-square cake pans.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk cake flour, cocoa, and baking powder. In a medium saucepan, melt butter in milk over low heat. Transfer to a large bowl and let cool slightly. Whisk in egg yolks and 1/2 cup of the sugar. Add the dry ingredients and whisk until smooth.
3. In a clean bowl, beat egg whites with salt until soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining 1/2 cup sugar and beat at medium-high speed until whites are stiff and glossy. Fold beaten whites into the batter until no streaks remain. Divide batter between the pans and bake for 25 minutes, until the cakes are springy and a toothpick inserted in the centers comes out clean. Transfer the cakes to a rack and let cool completely.
4. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, bring cream to a simmer. Put chocolate in a heatproof bowl and pour hot cream on top. Let stand for 3 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Let frosting stand at room temperature, stirring occasionally, until thick enough to spread, about 1 hour.
5. Turn the cakes out of the pans and put one layer on a plate. Top with 1 cup of frosting, spreading it to the edge. Top with the second layer and spread remaining frosting over the top and sides. Let the cake stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cutting into squares.

Tips & Techniques

The cake can be made ahead and refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
